DU Admission Online Apply Instructions:
Online application for DU admission test can be done through this website admission.eis.du.ac.bd from 4:00 PM on 08 March 2021 and Online Application End: 31 March 2021 (11:59 PM)
1. To fill up the online application form for the DU admission test, the applicant will need SSC and HSC information, current address and mobile number, parent’s national identity card number (optional).
2. The applicant has to select any 01 of the 8 divisional cities as an admission center.
3. A scanned image will be required. Image details are given below.
Image Format: jpg, Size: 30 – 200 KB, Width: 360-540 pixel, Height: 540-720 pixel.
4. To send SMS, the applicant must have a Banglalink mobile number also others operator as mentioned by DU admissions Application 2020-2021 instruct.
5. Admission application fee can be paid online within the stipulated time. You can use any one of the following to pay the admission fee. VISA/ Mastercard/ American Express Debit or Credit Card, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking or the Four States Bank Sonali, Janata, Agrani and Rupali bank.
Note- To buy a new Banglalink SIM Card 9 extra facilities to buy the customized banglalink SIM Cards and to pay the Dhaka University Online Application 2020-2021 fees (DU Admission Fee: 650/- Taka) visit us (only for the local citizen of Pabna and Nearest District's citizen):
Banglalink Pabna Office Address:
Banglalink Center, Shop No#2,
Town Girls High School Market,
Abdul Hamid Road,
Good luck to all the DU Applicants